
Infinum offers a wide range of environmental services. Our expertise in environmental coordination, environmental permits, environmental audits, and environmental expertise is well-established.

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Environmental Services

Most companies are interconnected with nature and have an impact on the environment and surroundings. This comes with responsibilities and obligations.

Infinum supports and guides your company in all environmental matters. We clarify guidelines and regulations, ensure compliance with permits, and provide solid environmental advice.


Certified Environmental Coordinator Level A

Environmental Coordination

As environmental coordinators, we provide daily assistance to your company in environmental affairs and help improve your internal environmental performance. We monitor environmental legislation, make recommendations for improvements, conduct timely environmental measurements, and ensure internal and external environmental communication.

Environmental Permits

Infinum prepares your environmental permit application and compiles your environmental permit dossier. We possess a thorough knowledge of environmental legislation and standards and guide you through every step of the permit process.

Environmental Audit

Is your company fully compliant with environmental legislation? An environmental audit provides the answer. We visit your site and assess whether your company meets all legal obligations, both administratively and in the field.

We prepare a detailed report and offer advice and guidance to reduce your environmental impact and achieve your sustainability goals.

Environmental Expertise

Environmental issues are often technically and socially complex. When your company faces such a problem, it is advisable to seek assistance from an experienced expert.

We work with companies of various sizes and provide solutions tailored to their specific needs and goals.

Do you want more information?

Let us know if you would like more information about our various environmental services.

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