Building a
sustainable world

Infinum is your expert in environmental services and project management. We strive to find the perfect balance between cost and objective for every project.

Over 20 years of experience

Use our expertise. We assist you in anticipating challenges and recognizing opportunities.

Streamlined organization

We help streamline your processes with a focus on efficiency and effectiveness.

Administrative relief

With fewer administrative worries, you can concentrate on what matters most.

Time and cost savings

Time is money, and so are costs. We help you save on both without compromising quality.

Windmolens op de akkers


Infinum supports and guides your company in all environmental matters. This includes environmental coordination, environmental permits, environmental audits, and environmental expertise.

Time and cost savings

Clarification of complex guidelines and regulations

Advice and guidance to reduce your environmental impact

Werkmannen op de werf

Project management

We specialize in steering construction projects towards excellence. From initial project definition to final delivery, we provide comprehensive assistance to our clients every step of the way.

Transparant communication

Technical expertise and knowledgeable management

Keeping a cool head at all times.

Finished projects


Redevelopment ex-ikea site Ternat

Demolition of the former Ikea with new construction of 15 units.
Check project

Development Quartier Blue Hasselt

Reconversion of a former industrial site into a new district on the Hasseltse Kanaalkom.
Check project